
Being Human

Being human is accepting that you are, in fact, human.

You will be tired. Your ego may push you through, but at some point you will sleep, crash and burn, or better, give yourself some sort of heart attack. (I know people this has happened to)

You will be hungry. 

You will be thirsty. 

You will make mistakes. 

You will try something and fail. (YAY! Learning opportunity! )

You will try something and win. (YAY! Money! Time! An article in the WSJ!)

You will get in car accidents, fall in love, live in a house or an apartment or under a bridge.  (No judgement if you choose the later)

You will do work. If you are reading this blog, you are probably doing some "self work" as well.  It's almost inevitable. 

As a person on an evolutionary path, it's easy to get an ego about things. To think you are better, superior, or "HAVE THE MAGIC BULLET for ENLIGHTENMENT". The reality is that we are all still human, living on this earth, making mistakes. Do you have a cookie?

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