
We only have time and money... but what about energy?

Yesterday I read a fantastic article in the Wall Street Journal called:The Peak Time for Everything.

It made me think about what are the resources we have, and we control. Everyone says time and money, but I would like to add a third element, Energy.

I can give you my time, but if I don't have energy then you aren't going to get the benefits in the same way as if I am rested and feeling good.

You are sure as hell not going to give me money if I don't do my job because I don't have the energy to deliver results, come up with innovative approaches, or power through the deal.

I am extremely sensitive to managing and monitoring my energy level. Tony Robbins (who I LOVE whether you like him or not) talks about importance of changing your physiology to change your life. That could not be truer.  I practice 40 minutes of transcendental meditation a day (20 min AM, 20 min PM for 10 years), I do yoga at least twice a week, I try to eat a gluten free, vegetarian diet. I hydrate a lot, and drink little alcohol. I do massages, weekend yoga and meditation retreats, take beach walks, and immerse myself in nature whenever possible. I gain energy from inspiring, silly, and inspirational conversations with friends and coworkers, and I search out other people who have the energy and success level I desire to achieve.  I try to go to bed before 10.  I keep a tight routine for a professional business development person, because all I have to give you is my time and my energy, in exchange for your money.

So with that thought, what are you doing to keep your energy up, listen to your body, and find a routine that generates and regenerates energy (and therefore time and money) for you?

I'd love your comments.


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