
One Milimeter at a Time & The Reasons to Work

Make a change in your attitude,your body, your mindset- and change your life. Often times you are just millimeters away from making all the difference in your business. 

Often we make it up in our mind that we need to make MAJOR changes, and therefore we shut down. It's often a small change in trajectory, marketing imitative, or strategy that makes that next deal come together or opportunity to arise.

I had a discussion with my uncle yesterday. He said,

"Lindsay, there are two reasons to work:
1) Because you would do it for free 
2) Because you are making a lot of money"

If you are not making a lot of Money or you don't love what you do. Find something else to do. They don't have to be mutually exclusive, but don't think 1) not making a lot of money 2) not doing what you love is going to get you what you want. You will be unhappy. And you won't be able to sustain it.

So make that change. Head in that trajectory, your are not far off course.

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