
Prepping for 2013: Use the December Downtime to Kill it Next Year

I read an article about kicking everyone else's ass in January.  It got me motivated during this VERY SLEEPY time of year and made me realize what I needed to do, and that I was doing certain things VERY well.

The holiday season is a time to shake hands, eat lunch and kiss babies (and by babies, I mean your clients' asses). Small (often branded) gestures can make the difference between getting that project next year or not. Think quirky. Think the most delicious thing ever. Think things that are shaped like what you sell. (Construction shaped chocolates or branded pens if you are a copy writing company for example). Make your clients think you give a shit about what they do. At least they can drown their sorrows in 20 pounds of caramel corn as they try to wrap up 2012.  Cookie bomb them. Blow up their world, and take away from the monotony of this time.  Fuel the end of year crash course with cake. Branded cake. Note: Do NOT buy the cheapest stuff you can find. Buy something that is truly delicious. The payback is ENORMOUS.

Take your clients out to lunch. If they can't go (as many large corporations or government agencies don't allow it), still invite them.  The gesture is important. Send Christmas cards. Brand, brand, brand. Ad nauseum. 

Use the downtime to do other marketing initiatives. Organize that annoying spreadsheet that you don't usually have time to tackle. Update your website, brochures, LinkedIn profile, and twitter feed. Think about a strategic plan, goals, and what you need to get those accomplished. This is delicious downtime for some of us that can be used wisely.

Start making your appointments for January. I already have 2. The new year is exactly 26 days away. Make sure that after you come back from that food coma, sleep dense (hopefully), family time ready to hit the ground running.

To 2013 Being the Best YEAR YET.

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